Uninsured motorist coverage provides essential financial protection when a driver without insurance causes an accident. This type of insurance can cover certain expenses. Understanding how this coverage works can help those impacted by an uninsured driver. What...
Car Accidents
Are you allowed to wear headphones while driving in PA?
Driving with headphones may seem harmless, but in Pennsylvania, it's against the law. Many drivers might not realize the dangers associated with using headphones behind the wheel, but the risks are real. Read on to understand why this law exists and how headphones can...
When can a pedestrian be liable in a vehicle accident?
When accidents happen between vehicles and pedestrians, people often assume the driver is at fault. However, pedestrians can sometimes be responsible for causing accidents. Knowing when a pedestrian might be liable is important for everyone's safety. Situations where...
The effects of car accidents on mental health
A car accident can have a serious impact on your mental health, often lasting long after the crash. It can trigger a range of emotions, and they can be mild or debilitating, depending on the person or even the day. Emotional reactions It’s common to feel overwhelmed...
Driving safely with children and pets
Driving with children and pets in Pennsylvania requires extra attention to ensure safety for everyone on the road. Distractions can lead to accidents, so it’s crucial to minimize them as much as possible. It is helpful to know some tips to better ensure you stay...
Wind and car accident risks
To some people, wind may seem harmless. However, it can actually pose a significant risk to drivers and increase the likelihood of car accidents. It is important for drivers and other road users to understand how wind can cause car accidents. Visibility and stability...
High speeds and the severity of a car accident
When it comes to car crashes, speed matters. The speed at which a vehicle is traveling can have a significant impact on the severity of the collision and the resulting consequences. Understanding how high speeds can affect the outcome of a car accident is necessary...
Traffic collisions and back injuries
Car accidents can result in various injuries, including back injuries. Back injuries can range from mild strains to more severe conditions like herniated discs or spinal cord damage. It is very important for all road users to comprehend the types, symptoms and...
5 reasons you may deserve compensation after a car accident
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 42,939 died in automobile accidents in 2021. Many others received serious injuries. In the aftermath of an auto accident, understanding your rights and potential avenues for compensation is important. While...
Types of injuries that can happen from rear-end collisions
Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents. When one vehicle crashes into the back of another, even at low speeds, it can cause a variety of injuries to the occupants of both vehicles. It is beneficial to understand some of the most frequent...